Essential healthy condiment

Essential Healthy Condiments

Have you been searching for essential healthy condiments? When you switch to a new diet that requires you to cut out most fats and all dairy products you realise it’s not just the meals that can be a challenge but also the extra little side dishes and sauces that become off limits because they are loaded with cheap fats and hidden dairy products.

Condiments with Healthy Fats

Below you will find a list of the recipes for you very favourite, essential healthy condiments I have developed that are compliant with the OMS dietary recommendations. They are free of dairy products, free of trans-fats or hydrogenated oils, free from palm or coconut fats or oils and only use cold pressed oils. My number one oil of choice is cold pressed flaxseed oil because it is packed with omega 3. I also use cold pressed olive or cold pressed rapeseed oil if I want to have a different taste to the flaxseed oil. You can obviously use your own favourites like cold pressed almond or walnut oil etc. make sure the nuts they are made from are not laden with saturated fats though. Any palm oil and coconut oil no matter how cold pressed it might be is off the list though because they have a very high saturated fat content.

Useful Tasty Ingredients:

Another useful ingredient in the vegan, no-saturated fat kitchen is nutritional yeast. Nutritional yeast is made from primary inactive yeast and has a nutty, cheesy taste. It is a high natural source of the B-group vitamins and trace element. It is usually sold as flakes and can be sprinkled over or into food just before serving. It is a good idea though not essential to add it only at the end of the cooking process to ensure it keeps its all it’s healthy goodness as temperatures above 100˚C/210˚F damage the vitamins in the yeast.

Nuts and Seeds:

Seeds and nuts can add great texture and flavours to any meal. They are great tasty substitutes and a useful alternative if you want to reduce your salt intake. By adding interesting flavours to a meal you remove the need to add salt. Salt can often literally wipe out the more subtle flavours of many spices by being the dominating taste. I encourage you to experiment with these and set yourself a challenge to replace salt with other flavours you can get from the likes of sesame, sunflower, pumpkin, chia, lightly toasted nuts etc.

I will be selling a cookbook all about my favourite, essential healthy condiments in the very near future. Please sign up for my newsletter and I’ll inform you when I launch. All subscribers will get the opportunity to avail of a launch day discount.

Essential Healthy Condiments (savoury):

Vegan Sour Cream Recipe



Vegan Pesto

Vegan Tofu Cream

Essential Healthy Condiments (sweet):

Vegan Custard Recipe

Vegan Almond Butter Recipe